Honoring the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
by living a Christian life.
Creating objects d’arte in thread and words.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Matthew 14:22-35 Faith in the storm

Here in the midwest we are being blanketed by record snowfalls and now ice. Colerain High School is closed again today--the roads were too icy. Our district is the largest in the state in both area and population. Much of the township is still a rural community, making icing and snow conditions worse for school buses. There will probably be no school tomorrow.
The weather forecasters have been posting warnings for days and now it is here. The populace is paralyzed and bought milk, bread, soft drinks, beer, snacks, and salt. And snow shovels. 
Jesus is with us at all times but faced with the storm of the century, people go with what they can see, not what they can't. Who are we if we forget our faith so easily? We are no different than Jesus' apostles--trapped on the sea in a fierce storm they were afraid--only hours after Jesus used 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed the multitude. 
Scripture tells us the disciples were frightened of the storm when they saw Jesus approach them, walking on the water. Their fear increased believing a specter was approaching. Jesus called to them and the disciples were relieved to learn Jesus was coming to them. 
Peter asked Jesus to let him come to Jesus over the water. Jesus complied and Peter stepped out in faith, walking across the water. He believed on Jesus to protect him but upon seeing the storm, Peter lost his faith and began to sink into the water. He called upon the Lord to save him--
The test of faith is belief in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in times of extreme stress, turmoil, and danger. History gives us many examples--Noah, Moses, David, Mary the Mother of Jesus, Joseph who raised Jesus, martyrs Joan of Arc, thousands of soldiers in battles on land, in the air and on the sea--all who knew their chances of survival were slim and none, and more likely none, but they knew God would welcome them into heaven, and they made the sacrifice for others.
I would like to be able to say "YES" I will have faith and I would march into battle for Jesus and my fellow man, but I fear I will repeat Peter's mistake. I have a much better chance of saying "Yes" if I build my faith in Jesus through small acts, building to bigger acts, and finally following God's will without hesitation.
 Dear Heavenly Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, please be patient with this humble servant and help me to grow in faith. I praise your name without ending and welcome your comfort and commands. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
Bella Steele 

Matthew 14:22-35
Matthew Chapter 14: Jesus Walking on the Sea
Jesus Walking on the Sea
Matthew Chapter 14 : 22